A day at Slimbridge Wetlands Centre

Date: 24th Jan 2024 @ 3:55pm

Diamond Class enjoyed a great trip to Slimbridge today. The rain stopped, the sun shone and we found out loads of new information about birds, their habitats and migration. We also met birdgirl Ava and found out about osprey migration to Senegal. Diamond Class are going to try to help her by becoming "Guardians of the Wild" by completing some nature challenges with our families.

After enjoying our packed lunches we set off to visit Toadhall to spot frogs, toads and axolotls and then went to see the otters (they were snoozing so we didn't get to see them!). Finally, we enjoyed a great play in the newly refurbished Wellie Boot Land. We can't wait to take our families back with our complimentary family visit ticket!!