Welcome Back

Date: 11th Sep 2024 @ 2:34pm

What a fabulous first week back we all had in Aventurine. It was such a pleasure to start to get to know the children and hear about their summer breaks.

Please take a look at the Aventurine tab on the school website. Here you will find most of the information regarding  what is planned for the term: class newsletter, topic homework, spellings for the term, curriculum overview for the term and extra information regarding History and Geography.

Our P.E. days are Monday(Dance) and Thursday(Football), however these will change termly. As you know P.E. kit should be worn into school on these days. 

I have put our weekly spellings on the website: the test will take place on a Friday. Each week the children will be given a 'look, cover, write check' sheet with their weekly spellings on. They will also be told the 5 common exception words to learn for their weekly test.

All children have the opportunity to chose a book to read from the class library. We regularly check the reading records to check for parent's signatures. Thank you for your support in encouraging your child to read regularly at home.

The children have new 'Doodle Maths' passwords that will be coming home. Children should be spending 10 minutes daily using this amazing resource. I will occassionally set tasks on this platform that support the children's learning in class.

Myself, Mrs Butter will be teaching the children throughoout the week. Our teaching assistants Miss Taylor and Mrs Derrick will be supporting the children in the mornings. On a Wednesday afternoon Mrs Derrick will be teaching the children for Music and French.

I have been thoroughly impressed with the positivity, kindness and respectful natures of all of the children. I know that we are going to have a fabulous year together.

Mrs Butter xxx